FCB #042: How To Set Yourself Free

books to read delegation exit & succession newsletters scaling systemization systems wealth building Mar 30, 2024


My audience is primarly commercial real estate (CRE) appraisers.

The reason is simple: I was a commercial real estate appraiser.

Then I became a CRE appraisal business owner.

And today I am financially free.

If you want what I have, the steps are pretty simple:

  1. Move To The Right Quadrant
  2. Systemize Your Work
  3. Hire, Train & Delegate
  4. Prepare Your Business To Sell
  5. Sell & Enjoy True Financial Freedom


This process doesn't have to take 40 years to achieve.

It doesn't even have to take 20 years or 10 years to achieve.

With the right playbook and support you can do it in 5 years or so.

If you're really serious about wanting to become free, I can help you!


Move To The Right Quadrant

If you've followed me for any time now, you've heard me write about Robert Kiyosaki's book "CASHFLOW Quadrant."

In it, he presents the four ways people earn income in our society:

  • E (Employee) Quadrant - You have a job and earn linear income.
  • S (Self-Employed) Quadrant - You own a job and earn linear income.
  • B (Business Owner) Quadrant - You own a system and earn leveraged income.
  • I (Investor) Quadrant - You own assets (paper, R.E., businesses) and earn passive income.


If you haven't read Kiyosaki's books "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "CASHFLOW Quadrant", do so immediately!

The key to ultimate time and financial freedom is to move from the E and S Quadrants into the B and I Quadrants.

The longer you wait, the more of your life blood you'll lose to your employer or your own self-employment "practice."

Trust me, neither of these Quadrants are worth it.  I know, I've been there, done both.  They'll suck the life out of you!

Screw up the courage and start the process towards launching your own true business.

I can cut years off your process of building a successful business if you'll let me.

You will need to be coachable and willing to take responsibility for your results.

However, having a great business coach in your corner is key.


Systemize Your Work

Okay, so now I assume you've started up your own busines or already have one that you've started.

Now what?

The key is to track your time and start to systemize all of your lower-echelon work.

You'll never know what that is until you really start tracking and analyzing your time.

I have some tools that will help you do this, and it doesn't take very long: 2 weeks max!

Once you have your recurring tasks or processes nailed down, it's time to systemize them.

People make this much harder than it has to be.  Actually it's quite simple.

Subscribe to Descript screen recording software and start recording what you do on screen every day.

Create a video library of these recurring processes. Organize them by category:

  • Accounting Tasks
  • Administrative Tasks
  • Bookkeeping Tasks
  • Email Processing
  • Inspection Scheduling
  • Subject Property Research
  • Appraisal Software Data Entry


You get the idea!

These are all $25/hour tasks. 

Your time is worth $100-$200/hour.

Come on, get with the program!

Systemize these low-value tasks!


Hire, Train & Delegate

Now you've got low-level recurring tasks that take up half your time systemized.

Congratulations!  Great job!!

So now you need to screw up the courage and hire your first virtual assistant.

This could be an admin assistant, appraisal assistant, or both.

They are very easy to find via Upwork.

Place a Job Description and interview 5-10 applicants.

Pick the best one and hire them. 

Trust me, they're relatively cheap!

And they will save you a TON of time each day.

Done right, you should be able to reclaim AT LEAST 4 hours a day.

That's 20 hours a week that you can better spend on strategic initiatives.

You keep doing this process in an orderly manner until you are finally at the top.

You are now the Stratgegic CEO of your company and your business is fully systemized!

Done right, with my help, this shouldn't take more that 3-5 years to accomplish, maybe less.


Prepare Your Business To Sell

Now you have a CRE appraisal business with 10-20 staff and $2.5-$5.0 million in revenue.

Your systemized business is now worth $2.0-$3.0 million dollars.

Now you focus on prepping it for sale, finding the right buyer, and transitioning after sale.

Done right, it's an all-cash sale, like mine was, with no earn out, and just a 6-month transition period.


Sell & Enjoy True Financial Freedom

And now, you're finally financially free.

You're not struggling for 40 years in a dead-end J.O.B.

You're not stuck in a self-employment gig that's become an albatross preventing your ultimate freedom.

You're free! You have more free time than you ever imagined you would.

Time to go on vacations, pursue hobbies, and give back to others. 

You built and sold a successful business!

You have more money than you ever dreamed of!

You've also learned how to become a successful investor.

You have paper assets, real estate assets, or business assets.

Your portfolio earns you passive income every month, month after month!



Sound too good to be true?

Trust me, its' not.

It's doable.

You just need to know how.

You need the right strategies & tactics.

You need a good business coach to help.

You don't have to wait until you're 50 to do this.

Start now. Don't wait. You can do it. 

Set yourself free.

I can help!

= = = = = = = = = =

P.S. I'm starting up two new initiatives to help CRE appraisers like you.

1. Appraiser2X Community - A place where you can go to ask questions, get my answers, and network with like-minded CRE appraisers and CRE appraisal business owners.

2. Appraiser2X Systemize Course - My first online course where I show you step-by-step how to systemize what you do in your appraisal business or practice so you can ultimately hire, train and delegate and set yourself free.


If you're interested in either of these, please send me an email at Calvin[at]Appraiser2X[dot]com.

Let me know what your level of interest might be.

Let me know what all you'd like me to cover in this first course I'm building.

Thanks for following me and subscribing to my weekly newsletter.

Sorry for going dark last week but I had a little challenge.

All good now!


Thanks again all of you,

Calvin Cummings

Appraiser2X Coach

MAI-Non Practicing



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